Top Ten Amphibian Research & Conservation Priorities: USA and Canada

Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation


This is an anwparc-logo-150-1ll-day Symposium on March 1st.
In 20-min talks by authors from across northwestern North America (BC, AB, MT, WY, ID, WA, OR, CA) — who have affiliations with universities, independent environmental consultants and researchers, conservation groups, forest industry, and city, state, provincial, and federal government agencies — a brief personal Top Ten List of amphibian research and conservation priorities will be followed by a focus on topics they have on their own “front burners.” Sponsored by Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Contact Dede Olson for more information:

What about reptiles? Students from the Oregon State University ‘Herp Club’ are addressing this same topic for reptiles in a poster! Students from other universities are similarly invited to put together their Top Ten Lists of research and conservation priorities for reptiles in a poster!  [At least one poster coauthor will need to be present at the poster session.