Annual Meeting 2015


Confirmed Sessions: Ecology and Conservation of NW Freshwater Turtles, Urban Ecology, Environmental DNA techniques (eDNA), Frogs in the Pacific Northwest, NW Terrestrial Forest Fauna, Avian Abundance and Ecology, Ichs and Herps: Form Influences Ecology, Amphibian Disease

Download Full Program (.pdf)


Register | Workshop Details | Call for Papers | Abstract Guidelines | Hotel Reservations | Invited Speaker Biographies | Photo Contest | Membership Renewals | Student Volunteer Opportunities | Student Mentorship Session | Field Trips | Student Scholarship Opportunities

Important Dates:

Jan. 9th, 2015Early registration rates end
January 11th, 2015 (11:59 PST)Abstract submissions due
Jan. 15th, 2015 – Applications for SNVB annual student scholarship due
Jan 23rd, 2015 (or until filled, whichever is sooner)Discounted hotel group reservation rate ends

Meeting Schedule at a Glance

Note: Specific NWPARC events are noted, and a link is provided – registration for those events will be handled through

Tuesday, Feb. 24th

8AM – 5PM: NWPARC’s 8th Annual Meeting and Symposium (lunch provided).

SNVB Workshops:
8AM-5PM: Workshop #1 – Occupancy Modeling
8AM – NOON: Workshop #2- Training for Media Relations and Communication
NOON – 1PM: Lunch (on your own)
1PM-5PM: Workshop #3 – Museum Collections and Specimen Vouchers
1PM-5PM: Workshop #4 – Western Pond Turtle Biology, Conservation and Survey Techniques
Evening: NWPARC/SNVB Social
SNVB Board Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 25th

Morning: Welcome and Plenary Session
Noon: SNVB Member Luncheon
Afternoon: Concurrent Oral Presentations; Student Mentor and Poster Presentation Training Session
Evening: Poster Session
Slide Mix-A-Lot Social

Thursday, Feb. 26th

Morning: …Concurrent Oral Presentations continued
Noon: Lunch (on your own)
Afternoon: …Concurrent Oral Presentations continued
Evening: Banquet, Silent Auction, Raffle, Photo Contest & Awards

Friday, Feb. 27th

10:00AM – Trip #1: Behind the Scenes at the Oregon Zoo
1:30PM – Trip #2: Ross Island Kayak Tour


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