2014 Meeting Recap

Our 2014 meeting that took place February 3-7 in Pasco, Washington was a huge success and we owe a great deal of thanks to our four great collaborators at the meeting: The Washington Chapter of the Wildlife Society… Read More

Features of New Website

You are reading this post which means that you have arrived at our new look website which we have moved into the WordPress content management system. The new site is more flexible and easier to maintain. It also… Read More


Pacific Chorus Frog (Pseudacris regilla) blue color morph observed in a cranberry bog 6 miles north of Port Orford, Oregon on April 22nd, 2009. Photo by Lois Miller.


Palouse Falls, Washington. Photo by Erim Gomez.


Western Spadefoot Toad (Spea hammondii). Winner of our 2011 photo contest. Photo by Erim Gomez.


National Bison Range, Montana. Winner of our 2014 photo contest, Landscape category. Photo by Erim Gomez.

Photo of the Month

APRIL 2014 Pacific chorus frog (Pseudacris regilla) blue color morph observed in a cranberry bog 6 miles north of Port Orford, Oregon on April 22nd, 2009 by Lois Miller .

The Murreletter Vol 22 # 2

The newest version of The Murreletter, our newsletter, was e-mailed to members in April and is available for download on our archives page. It included an article by the Murreleditor himself, who described a couple rainy days in… Read More