Photo Submissions

Photo Submissions

At the end of each month our panel of judges will select their favorite image from among that month’s submissions, to feature on our homepage. All selected photos during the year will also be displayed on our photo gallery page. We welcome all images that were shot in our region, be they landscape, wildlife, or biologists in action, though extra consideration will be given to any photos that were taken during the month that are submitted (regardless of year).

Submission Guidelines:

1. Fill out the submission form below for each image (up to 3 per person per month).

2. Review our Terms and Conditions* near the end of the form.

3. Attach image (.gif, .png, .jpg, or .tif). File size limit is 2MB.

4. Click the send button.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Subject (enter "photo submission" here)

    Your Message (Include date of photo and caption as you would like it to appear)

    Terms & Conditions*


    By submitting the accompanying photograph (the “Photograph”), I hereby grant The Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (SNVB) an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, license to reproduce, display, distribute, and/or publish such Photograph, including derivative works made from the Photograph, for any purpose without notice or compensation to me.

    In exchange, I understand that The Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology will credit the Photograph to me whenever practical to do so, such practicality to be within the sole discretion of The Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology.

    Check here to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms of this agreement.

    Attach Image File (.gif .png .jpg .jpeg; file size limit: 2MB)

    Thanks and happy shooting!

    -The SNVB photography judges