Email Subject Line (enter "SNVB scholarship application"):
Proposal Title:
Phone number:
Contact Information (email and/or phone):
Amount Requested, Budget and Brief Budget Justification (including additional sources of funding)
Time Frame:
Attach Body of Proposal1 (.doc .docx, .pdf; file size limit 2MB). Please name the file to include applicant's last name and "scholarship proposal".
Attach Applicant Resume (.doc .docx .pdf; file size limit 2MB). Please name the file to include applicant's last name and "resume".
1The body of the proposal should include need and justification for the study, hypotheses, the study area, methods (including mode of analysis), significance of the proposed project and literature cited. Proposals should be double spaced using 12 point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins in Microsoft Word (.doc) or PDF (.pdf) formats. The body of the proposal will not exceed three pages, excluding resume, literature cited, and accompanying tables and figures). Proposals not following the indicated guidelines will not be considered.
Proposals will be rated based on the following criteria: 1. Appropriateness of the project to the goals of SNVB, 2. Need and justification for the study, 3. Adequacy of proposed methods to the project objectives, 4. Originality and innovation of the proposed research, 5. Demonstrated ability of student to execute the proposed project, 6. Demonstration that the project can be completed within the given timeframe, and Financial need.
Thanks for your interest in SNVB and best wishes in your academic and professional pursuits!
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