Nathaniel Seavy

Nathaniel Seavy

Editor, Northwest Fauna

nat-150Nat Seavy grew up in Kitsap County of Washington State. As a child, he accompanied his father, a biology instructor, on field trips to Puget Sound. Nat attended The Evergreen State College where he developed an interest in ornithology. Nat received his master’s and Ph.d from the Department of Zoology at the University of Florida. Nat’s dissertation research focused understanding the effects of fire on bird communities in the Klamath/Siskiyou ecoregion. Nat has worked on ornithological research projects in North America, Central America, Africa, and Hawaii. These projects have included research on the breeding biology of raptors and owls, habitat associations of passerine birds, population ecology and monitoring of Pacific seabirds, and avian demography. Nat is currently a CalFed postdoctoral fellow with PRBO Conservation Science and the Information Center for the Environment, UC Davis.

Today, the publishing world is changing almost as rapidly as the technology of the computer hardware and software on which it is based. These changes are challenging our traditional concepts of books, journals, and even data. As the editor of Northwest Fauna, Nat is committed to maintaining the tradition of SNVB publications, while at the same time exploring new opportunities to provide a better, more easily available, and even more dynamic product.