Chelsea Waddell

Chelsea Waddell

term expires 2027

Chelsea has been a member of SNVB since 2015. She is a Wildlife Biologist with the USFWS in Oregon, where she focuses on amphibian, turtle, and avian conservation. Chelsea also occasionally serves as an associate editor for Northwestern Naturalist, and was the Murreletter editor in 2015-2016.  She received her Master’s in Environmental Studies from The Evergreen State College with an emphasis on Wildlife Biology and Management, and her Bachelors of Science from Shepherd University in biology and environmental science. Her graduate work focused on habitat utilization, spatial distribution, and genetics of the Oregon spotted frog in western Washington. Prior to graduate school, Chelsea worked in the fields of Microbiology and Immunology where she helped design vaccine candidates for HIV, among other infectious disease research. In her spare time, Chelsea enjoys kayaking, hiking, and birding with her family.