Call for 2025 Abstracts, Posters and Presentations
2025 Joint Meeting:
Ecosystem Resilience – Science in Action
**Abstract Submission deadline: January 15, 2025**
The Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, and Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation invite you to submit abstracts for presentations and posters for our 2025 Joint Annual Meeting in March 2025.
When: 24-28 March 2025
Where: Tulalip Resort, Tulalip, Washington
You are invited to submit abstracts for presentations and posters for our 2025 Joint Annual Meeting. This meeting will promote the sharing of information about new approaches to wildlife research, conservation, and communications. All topics in wildlife, vertebrate biology, habitat management, conservation, and application of research findings are welcome.
Preliminary session topics include:
Deadline for abstracts is Wednesday 15 January 2025
Further details and updates can be found on the Washington TWS web page for the joint annual meeting.
Preliminary Schedule
March 24-25
Workshops: Forest landscape management, Survey & manage, Fundamentals of structured-decision making, Telemetry techniques, Wildlife necropsy & mortality investigations, Wildlife handling & chemical immobilization, Forestry & silviculture for wildlife biologists, PNW amphibian monitoring network
March 25
Registration opens; Workshops continue; Evening DEI social
March 26
Plenary session; Business lunches; Contributed talks & invited sessions; Student/professional mixer; Poster session
March 27
Student mentor breakfast; Contributed talks & invited sessions; Banquet, awards, and auction
March 28
Field trips TBD
We strongly encourage all students to present posters or oral presentations. The full call for abstracts also includes a request for program cover artwork, for vendors, and for volunteers.
All the best,
Aimee McIntyre and the SNVB Board