President's Message
As the new, incoming SNVB President, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Board members, Darcy Pickard (Northern VP), and Kim Walters (Trustee). This is the first time serving on the Executive Board for both so it is great to have new energy and enthusiasm injected into your serving Board members. It is also the highest number of Canadians serving on the Board (3 of us) since anyone can remember! First item on the agenda – change the title of “President” to “Prime Minister” and “Vice-President” to “Premier.” Kidding. A revolt amongst the Board probably isn’t a great way of taking on a new position.
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2011 Meeting in Review
By all accounts our 2011 meeting held this past March in Gig Harbor was a huge success. With over 170 registrants, including 75 new members, 80 presented papers and 20 posters, our meeting once again showcased an impressive variety of research from around the Northwest. For more information, photos, or to download a copy of the program see the
annual meeting page on our website.
World Congress of Herpetology

The 7th World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) meeting is coming to the Northwest. The University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria, and the city of Vancouver will host the meeting in beautiful British Columbia from 8-14 August 2012. Check out the
WCH website for much more information. SNVB is currently in discussions about the potential of organizing a symposium. Contact Brent, brent.matsuda(at)gmail(dot)com, for more information.
Our website continues to evolve. Don't forget that as a member you have access to full text articles of Northwestern Naturalist via the BioOne free member access program. Just
login to our members page (Username: phylum, password: Chordata!) and follow the link. We now have an online payment option (PAYPAL) for new
memberships and renewals. We hope to soon provide the opportunity to order and purchase copies of Northwest Fauna, as well as future meeting registrations. Have an idea for the site? We encourage your feedback. Send your ideas to snvb.murreletter(at)gmail(dot)com.