

Our society strives to promote professional working relationships among ornithologists, mammalogists, herpetologists, and ichthyologists in our region. Membership with SNVB helps support: the publication of our journal, our annual meeting including discounted registration for students, and the cost of hosting this website.


Be part of a dynamic community of students and professionals interested in the natural history and ecology of the Pacific Northwest.

Receive Northwestern Naturalist, the Society’s scientific journal, 3 times per year.

Receive The Murreletter, our newsletter, and discounts on Society meetings and publications.

Gain access to our online archive of full articles of Northwestern Naturalist through our free society member access program at BioOne. (Current members: login to our site then proceed to member content page to access to the archive.)

Student members are eligible to apply for our annual $1000 scholarship. Check out our scholarship overview page as well as our list of past recipients and their projects.

Opportunity to promote your publications to the membership and receive notification of other member publications via our Recent Member Publications Page.

Membership Fees:

Annual (Individuals)

Student ($15/yr)
Students currently enrolled can receive a discounted membership while receiving all of the benefits of a regular membership.

Regular ($25/yr)
The basic, regular membership for individuals helps support SNVB operation and activities.

Additional Family Member ($10/year)
Individual residing in the same household as a member who has already paid regular dues; does not receive our journal.

Contributing ($35/yr) and Sustaining ($50/yr)
Contributing and Sustaining Members receive the same benefits as other members but provide extra financial support for SNVB. These special members are recognized each year in our journal.


Institutional Subscription ($60/yr)
Universities or other libraries with an institutional subscription receive Northwestern Naturalist, our peer reviewed journal.


Lifetime ($325)
This one-time fee covers an individual’s membership for life. Lifetime members are recognized in our journal each year.

Membership Payments